All about me. - Me, an addlepate.!

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

All about me.

Howdy there!

I'm just another human just as you are, trying to live my life just as you are. Just dealing all the day to day stuff as you are. This is a formal introduction to my new visitors.

So who am I?
Oh, hi(awkward one)
I'm Shivangi Tiwari and  I'm currently an undergrad in IT from IET, LKO. 

What interests me?
I play keyboard, explore the depths of space and code.

What makes me different?
I'm an overthinker(LOL) I know most of us are but I guess I can use this to write IK most of the people don't pen down what they think but I do.

Why am I here?
  • Well, as I already told erstwhile I overthink. Again, a major reason is, I want everyone who is in a similar situation as me to relate with me as and with my blogs.
  • Another reason is I don't have friends so why not tell it out to introverts like me how I feel.
  • I've been battling depression from quite a time and I want to stand up for people like me with audacity.!
I guess that's enough for this session. :P

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